Entries by Anna McNamee

Remembering Rabbi Lionel Blue

It was with great sadness that the Sandford St Martin Trustees learned of the death of Rabbi Lionel Blue in December last year. Over the last three decades, Lionel had secured a place in the hearts and minds of many people but particularly Radio 4’s ‘Today’ programme audience. His contributions to Thought For the Day […]

Not sure you’ve got what it takes to win a Sandford St Martin Award in 2017? Read this…

  I’ll never forget the first ever conversation I had with the nervous man who would end up editing a series of documentaries about religion I was making. “Nice to meet you”, he said before apologising, “I’m afraid I’m not very religious.” “Not religious” I replied, “or not interested in religion.” Because, while I can […]

Interesting Times: the results of our online “religious, spiritual and ethical broadcasting” poll are in

“May you live in interesting times!” are the words ancient Chinese sages apparently used to curse their enemies. Somewhat inauspicious then, perhaps, that they’re also the words that sprung most readily to mind when I reviewed the results of the Sandford St Martin Trust’s first public survey on the state of religious, ethical and spiritual broadcasting today. “Interesting […]