2018 Sandford St Martin Awards Judges
Sandford St Martin judges represent some of the best of the UK’s broadcasting and journalism industries. They’re chosen to represent a wide and rich variety of media experience, backgrounds and experiences of faith or spirituality. What they have in common is their skill, professionalism and commitment to excellence in broadcasting.
Aaqil Ahmed

Chair of TV Judges
Aaqil Ahmed was Head of religion at both the BBC and Channel 4 and is now a Professor at the University of Bolton.
Navid Akhtar

Radio Judge
Navid Akhtar is the founder and CEO of Alchemiya.com and an award winning Television and Radio producer.
Remona Aly

Interview Judge
Remona Aly is a journalist, commentator and broadcaster. She writes for The Guardian, is a resident contributor to BBC Radio 2’s Pause for Thought and a presenter on BBC Radio 4’s Something Understood.
Anna Bassi

Children’s Judge
Anna Bassi is the editor of The Week Junior – an award-winning current affairs magazine for children 8 to 14 years old.
Baroness Floella Benjamin, OBE

Chair of Children’s Judges
Baroness Floella Benjamin is an actress, author, presenter, singer, business woman and politician who is probably best known as the television presenter of iconic children’s programmes such as Play School, Play Away and Fast Forward and for her tireless championing of children’s media in the House of Lords.
The Rev Kate Bottley

TV Judge
The Reverend Kate Bottley is an Anglican priest, a writer, broadcaster and the presenter of Good Morning Sunday on Radio 2.
Rev Sally Hitchener

Radio Judge
Sally Hitchener is an Anglican priest, a Coordinating Chaplain and Interfaith Adviser at Brunel University, the National Director of Diverse Church, a writer and broadcaster.
Ruth Gledhill

TV Judge
Ruth Gledhill is a journalist and the Multi-Media Editor at The Tablet. Previously she was an editor for Christian Today and the religious affairs correspondent for The Times.
Paul Kerensa

Children’s Judge
Paul Kerensa is an award-winning scriptwriter ( Miranda, Not Going Out), a comedian, a regular contributor to Pause for Thought on BBC R2, a children’s author (Noah’s Car Park Ark, Moses & The Exodus Express) and he wrote and created Granny Anne’s Joke World for CBeebies Radio.
Hussein Kesvani

Radio Judge
Hussein Kesvani is a journalist, writer, broadcaster and editor.
Jayne Kirkham

Children’s Judge
Jayne Kirkham is a writer for children (including CBeebies’ Treasure Champs, Tee and Mo and the CBeebies Radio Allergy series). She is a member of the Children’s Media Foundation Board and on their behalf volunteers as Clerk to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children’s Media and the Arts.
Jonathan Levi

TV Judge
Jonathan Levi is Executive Producer at Renegade Pictures. His previous roles include Head of Arts and Popular Culture at ITV Studios and Executive Producer of The South Bank Show.
Peter Stanford

Interview Judge
Peter Stanford is a journalist broadcaster, biographer and writer. His books include Martin Luther: Catholic Dissident and 50 Religious Ideas You Really Need to Know
Edward Stourton

Chair of Interview Judges
Edward Stourton is a BBC broadcaster and journalist and presents Radio 4’s Sunday programme. His latest book, Auntie’s War, tells the story of the BBC during World War Two.
Rev Lucy Winkett

Interview Judge
Lucy Winkett is Rector of St James’s Church, Piccadilly. With degrees in history and theology, she broadcasts regularly on religion, gender and contemporary culture and is a long-standing contributor to Radio 4’s Thought for the Day.
Caroline Wyatt

Chair of Radio Judges
Caroline Wyatt is a BBC News journalist and the corporation’s former religious affairs correspondent.