
The Sandford St Martin Trust advocates for excellence in programmes that explore religious, ethical or moral themes. On these pages you can find news, facts and figures, comment and sources of information we’ve collected about TV, radio programmes and new media dealing with religion, ethics or spirituality.
But we’d like to know what you think, too. If you are a broadcaster, faith organisation, programme-maker, regulator, policy-maker, critic, academic or an interested member of the public, get in touch if you have anything you think it would be useful for us to share.
Our blog is a space for more discussion and debate about issues of faith and broadcasting. And our public inquiry submissions page contains information about some of the advocacy work the Trust is engaged in but also more on the wider public debate surrounding the future of religious broadcasting in the UK.
Press releases
Briefings and Public Inquiry Submissions
Our briefings and public service inquiry submissions keep up to date with the latest facts and figures about religious broadcasting, from a range of sources. If you wish to be notified when this page is updated, get in touch.